Tuition Costs + Scholarship Programs
Euphrates: Preschool
Euphrates private preschool ranges in its tuition based on your student’s enrollment. Our current price range is about $450/month - $1200/ month.
Our current enrollment options include:
T + Th: 8AM-11AM, 8AM-1PM, 8AM-4PM
M, W, F: 8AM-11AM, 8AM-1PM, 8AM-4PM
M-F: 8AM-11AM, 8AM-1PM, 8AM-4PM
Our academic year starts late August and goes until early June. Summer Enrollment will be created based on our families’ need/desire.
*There are no scholarship programs available for our Preschoolers at this time
Euphrate: Arx Axiom Academy
E:AAA is a nonprofit private school that has been created to help meet the needs of parents who desire a more hands on unique education for their students, at an affordable price. With this in mind, our goal is to have 70% of our population pay tuition. While the other 30% receive a scholarship.
Tuition will be roughly $2,800 a semester or a lump sum of $5500 annually.
For those students wishing to be scholarshipped, families must prove they have the need for free education and go through a secondary application process.
All students, whether paid or scholarshipped must fill out an introductory application ($50 processing fee per applicant) and conduct a family interview with our leadership board and/or program directors. The interview will be scheduled upon application approval.
If hoping to receive a scholarship, students must fill out a scholarship application along with their introductory application.